You may have seen media coverage this week about the publication of Clive Sheldon QC’s independent review into non-recent child sexual abuse in football. The report is available in full HERE.

The FA commissioned this review in December 2016, shortly after many former footballers from professional and grassroots football bravely spoke out about the appalling abuse they had suffered as children in football. Tonight on BBC 1 at 9pm a documentary entitled ‘Football’s Darkest Secret’ will air, during which former footballers will speak out about the sexual abuse they suffered as youth players.

Here at Wakefield AFC, we take the safety and well being of children seriously and we are continuously working hard to make the time that they spend in the care of the Club as safe as possible.

Below is a video from the FA designed to let parents and carers of players know what they should expect from their child’s football Club and how they can contribute to the work we and other clubs are doing:

Steps that Wakefield AFC has taken over recent months to support the safety and wellbeing of children include:

  • The appointment of myself as Club Welfare Officer
  • The implementation of a safer recruitment policy which applies to the recruitment of all staff, volunteers and students
  • All coaches undergoing a DBS check
  • Volunteers in key roles undergoing DBS checks. This includes myself as the welfare officer, the media team, pastoral support and the Club secretary
  • Undertaking of relevant training such as safeguarding and first aid by staff and volunteers who have been identified as needing this for their roles
  • All committee members completing safeguarding training
  • Liaison between Club staff/volunteers and partner agencies including Wakefield Council, NSPCC and West Riding FA to take advice about relevant issues

I would like to end by taking the opportunity to remind you that if at any time you have concerns for the welfare of your child in the football environment, you can contact me on 07517 047 435 or at welfare@wakefieldafc.co.uk

Grace Ainsworth
Club Welfare Officer
Wakefield AFC

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