next To feature in our Spotlight is striker, Dean Makunike!

Dean is proudly sponsored by Nuffield Health, Wakefield.

Why did you join Wakefield A.F.C?

I was at Gretna FC and found myself without a club after Christmas 2019 and got the opportunity to come and get some game time here through my agent.

How does Wakefield A.F.C compare with other clubs you have been at?

I think the setup is very unique, a very young team but also really diverse with players from all over the world but still get the feeling of an English club. When you come here you have the opportunity to grow with the club and create the culture which I didn’t have at previous clubs.

What is it like playing under ex-professional footballers?

I’ve been fortunate to work under a few and it gives you an insight into their experiences, and it helps you with your own game from their perspective with all of them being different positions to what I am. You learn what it takes to be playing at a high level and the standard you have to set for yourself.

How do you prepare for a game? Do you have pre-game rituals?

I always have an egg and cheese omelette the morning of the game. Usually stretch and listen to music which is key for me before a game. I’m usually very laid back and don’t like to think too much about the game.

I have to have one pack of Maynard Jellybabies and chocolate and raisin breakfast bars with me at a game. I don’t have a ritual when it comes to how I put on my kit. I’ll always put my boots on last, I don’t warm up with shin pads on, I have to have cut socks no matter what with my own grip socks underneath and a wrap of tape on my left wrist.

Finally before a game I like to pray as faith is a big part of my life.

Who is the loudest out of the group?

There’s honestly a few, the obvious answer is Gerv, but can’t forget Bruno he’s the biggest joker. I’m quite loud as well.

What is your favourite thing about Wakefield?

I think it’s a change from where I’ve been before and it’s allowed me to focus on just football because it’s quiet. Considering the restrictions, maybe I’ve not been able to fully experience it yet.

Who is your footballing idol and why?

It’s hard to put it to one but probably the biggest influence for me has been Ronaldo. The above the knee and cut socks, the way he dribbled and his confidence on the pitch is something I’ve emulated and tried adding to mine.

Which football team do you support and why?

Manchester United, I feel like I always have. I enjoyed watching players like Ronaldo, Rooney, Van Nistelrooy and Nani. Maybe I joined the bandwagon at the time but I’ve stuck with them since.

What are you hobbies outside of football?

I enjoy fashion and clothes a lot. I have developed my customising business through the years, customising anything from jeans to shirts and jackets. I also enjoy music and certain players in the team can vouch for my taste in music.

Check out the IG page:

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I don’t like thinking too much into the future in terms of football as it’s just unnecessary pressure, but I’d like to maximise my potential and play at a higher level. I’d like to still be playing regularly enjoying my football as I’ve missed it a lot when I’ve not been able to play during this difficult time.

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