In The SpotLight: Alessio Ruch

next To feature in our Spotlight is Goalkeeper, Alessio Ruch!

Alessio is proudly sponsored by Nuffield Health, Wakefield.

Why did you join Wakefield A.F.C?

I joined Wakefield because it’s been since the end of 2018 that I decided once I’ll finish my apprenticeship I’ll leave everything in Switzerland and move to England for football. I just wanted to follow my childhood dream. So I started to look for clubs and then I found Wakefield AFC on Instagram so I took my chance and contacted them and here I am. Their project for the future attracted me too.

How does Wakefield A.F.C compare with other clubs you have been at?

Wakefield AFC is very different from every other club I’ve played. First of all because it’s the only club I’ve played in England and the training style and everything are different. It’s also much more professional. At FC Sarine Ouest we were playing in league 2 and we weren’t really planning to go any higher, and in Switzerland it’s still amateur football so most of the players were here for the love of the game, but that’s it. I think I was the only one training and fighting to get way higher. We also didn’t have any gym or big stadium like Featherstone, it was “the club of the village”.

What is it like playing under ex-professional footballers?

Playing under ex-professional footballers is one of the best things a player could have. The coaches have a lot of experience in football and they can give you really good advice. I’m training most of the time with Lee and I can already say he’s one of the best coaches I’ve ever had, if not the best. He knows exactly what he’s doing and when we do something wrong he tells us how to correct the mistakes and how to avoid them. We are lucky to have Adam and Lee as coaches.

How do you prepare for a game? Do you have pre-game rituals?

The night before the game I NEVER go out, and if I do I’ll get home at 10pm maximum! Of course I don’t drink alcohol. By the way, I don’t drink alcohol during the season. I have a good 8 hours of sleep to be good for the game. In the morning I’ll cook myself a nice breakfast to get all the energy and protein needed for the day. Three hours before the game I cook a good plate of pasta with tomato sauce but not too much. Before leaving the house I do some foamrolling to get the muscles going. When I arrive in the changing room I get silent and start to focus on my game. The phone is off in the bag. I might not be very social in there- I’ll asume that. Once changed, when the coaches give us the teams and the instructions for the game, I like to eat a small cereal bar. Then once we get out of the room, I put myself on game mode and will focus from the warm up to the last second of the game. Also just before the games start I speak to myself, but won’t tell you what.

Who is the loudest out of the group?

Gerv is definitely the loudest, I’ve never seen him sad or in a bad mood. He’s like N’golo Kanté, always smiling but unlike Kanté he’s loud. It’s good to have guys like him in the team. Chicken is loud too- if he saves your shot, you’re gonna hear him for years…

What is your favourite thing about Wakefield?

My favorite thing about Wakefield is the fact that I can train every day of the week with the Elite Football Programme. The fact that the club have ambitions to become pro one day, and to have these ex-professional footballers as coaches, and all the rest of the staff, is something valuable.

Who is your footballing idol and why?

It might sound weird due to the fact that I’m a goalkeeper, but my idol is Steven Gerrard. He’s the real GOAT for me. I just love how he played football and how he banged goals from long distances. I admire how he was leading his team on the pitch too.

Which football team do you support and why?

Liiiverpoool! Just love this club, since I’ve been watching football I always supported Liverpool. I love the story of the club too. My whole family is for Liverpool too so it might have helped me a bit. Except for my brothers, one of them supports Chelsea and the other one Manchester United. I know they have bad taste, I already told them. The atmosphere at Anfield is indescribable, when the whole stadium is singing the famous ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, it’s just wonderful.

What are you hobbies outside of football?

I like to read, I know I don’t look like someone who likes to read but I do. I often read books where I can learn stuff that can be useful in my life such as nutrition, recovery, football and all kind of topics. I spend a lot of time in front of the playstation too but I hate FIFA, the EFP lads can confirm that by the way. Otherwise I like to just spend time with friends.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I’m going to sound like a dreamer, but that’s okay. I see myself playing professional football for a decent club. I’ll play for Wakefield and help the club get promoted but when I have the opportunity to go higher I’ll take it. I’ll continue to work hard and hopefully one day I’ll make it. I left everything I had in Switzerland for a dream so let’s make it worth it!

2 thoughts on “In The SpotLight: Alessio Ruch”

  1. Great Alessio, keep on dreaming and fighting, hard worker and talentuous goalkeeper like you can make your dream come through.
    Manuel Streiff from Lonay, Switzerland

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