In The Spotlight: Louis Andre

Our next featured player ‘In the Spotlight’ is defender, Louis andre!

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Why did you join Wakefield A.F.C?

I recently moved to Wakefield and was looking for a new challenge. I wanted somewhere that I could plant my roots and develop myself as a footballer long term and I know in Wakefield I’ve found that. The fact that the club and football in this area has so much potential was also a big factor. Wakefield being one of very few cities not to have a professional team is quite surprising and having the opportunity to represent the whole city is amazing

How does Wakefield A.F.C compare with other clubs you have been at?

It’s different but in a good way. I’ve played at a few clubs over the years and its probably the most professional club I’ve been part of, both on and off the pitch. That comes down to the facilities which are second to none, I can safely say the best I’ve experienced, the management who are doing things the right way and the structure and vision of the club which is so impressive. I think the main thing is that there is a common goal that everyone is striving to achieve, training is intense and is planned to reflect a match day, everyone gives 100% all the time and this shows on a Saturday!

What is it like playing under ex-professional footballers?

It’s brilliant! They bring a certain energy that you just don’t get at other clubs. For me I think its really helpful because they give you feedback that will improve your game even if it’s the smallest of things they can have the biggest effect on the way you play. I can definitely say that from being at the club only for a short time moment I’ve already learnt so much and I’m really grateful for that. It’s clear that whilst it’s important to continue winning games and progressing through the leagues it’s also just as important to take the time to help you develop you as a footballer too.

How do you prepare for a game? Do you have pre-game rituals?

I am quite superstitious when I’m preparing for a game. I like to get up at the same time every Saturday morning, have the same meal 4 hours before kick-off, I have specific socks that I wear just for football. I also try to park in the same parking spot behind the stadium. I’m not sure why it just makes me feel more relaxed. Once I’m in the dressing room I have a bit of banter with the lads and listen to music but after the teams announced I just try and focus on the game

Who is the loudest out of the group?

Gerv! He’s loud but its positive! He’s always wants the best out of everyone, I think everyone needs a Gerv at their club.

What is your favourite thing about Wakefield?

I think it’s a bit of a hidden gem. Before moving to Wakefield I had no idea what was here but it’s such a buzzing city with so much going on. If I had to put my finger on it I’d say the people. Everyone’s been so welcoming and friendly, really glad I’ve moved here!

Who is your footballing idol and why?

Steven Gerrard. Growing up I wanted to be just like Gerrard, he was the ultimate player, Mr Liverpool, so consistent, he was so respected as a player at Liverpool and England and so humble. He was the heart and soul of Liverpool. More recently I would also say Virgil Van Dijk, the guy is a joke! I think I look up to him more because he plays in the same position. He just makes defending looks so easy!

Which football team do you support and why?

Liverpool, since being born my dad always had me in Liverpool kits. I think because my dad was a Liverpool fan it just naturally got passed down.

What are you hobbies outside of football?

Football takes up a lot of my time so there’s not too much left over. But I like to keep fit so if I can I’ll go to the gym, play golf, cycle anything really. I’ll spend time with my girlfriend, my family or my mates, just relax really!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Still at Wakefield except a couple of leagues higher that we are now! This is a club and a city that deserves to do well and I hope I can continue to contribute to their success!  

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