Match Day Information vs Rossington Main FC

Firstly, the club would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has downloaded tickets for Saturday’s game. The capacity is capped at 150 spectators and to have all tickets claimed in under 24 hours is a great achievement for the club.

We are looking forward to welcoming Step 6 side Rossington Main FC to The Millennium Stadium on Saturday 29th August 2020; 2pm KO for what will be the hardest challenge for the club so far this pre-season.

Wakefield AFC would like all spectators attending to adhere to the following information so that we can make the match-day experience as safe as possible for players, club staff, match officials, and spectators:

  • Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should not attend.
  • The gates for spectators will open at 12.30pm. We ask that all spectators stand 2 metres apart when queuing up at the entrance unless you are in your bubble or with members from your household.
  • We ask that all spectators have their tickets to hand, either printed or displayed on mobile phones, so we can admit spectators quickly and efficiently.
  • Once we scan your ticket, we are then able to have your details on record for NHS Test and Trace purposes.
  • On arrival to the ground, we ask all spectators to sanitise their hands and comply with having their temperatures checked before entering, so that we can keep everyone safe.
  • No programmes or team sheets will be available to spectators, but we hope to have match-day programmes available from our first league game.
  • There is a one-way system in place. This will be clearly labelled, and we ask that you follow the signs and guidelines accordingly.
  • The only toilets available will be to the right of the entrance facing the rear of the stand. We ask that a socially distanced queue forms when queuing for the toilets.
  • The Main Stand will be open for spectators. Spectators are encouraged to spread out into all the available space rather than congregating.
  • Food and drink are available to purchase in the Fan Zone area by the Main Stand. The Rovers Return Bar is open and we ask that you queue 2 metres apart when waiting to be served.
  • If you have any COVID-19 queries, questions, or feedback for the club, please speak to Daniel Gardiner who is our COVID-19 officer.
  • We will have committee members in place ensuring everyone is adhering to the guidelines so please respect them if they ask you to do something.
  • If any spectators require wheelchair access, please email and we can make appropriate arrangements.

We are all looking forward to welcoming fans to The Millennium Stadium for the first time. We want everyone to enjoy their day alongside adhering to the guidelines set by the club.

We also ask that you familiarise yourself with our Club COVID-19 Policy, which can be found here: COVID- 19 POLICY

3 thoughts on “Match Day Information vs Rossington Main FC”

    1. Hi Duncan

      Unfortunately not. We are restricted to just 150 spectators for the Rossington game and all these tickets have now gone.

      All being well tomorrow, we can then increase capacity to 300 for the Kellingley game on the 12th.

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