In the spotlight: Greg Hunter

Earlier this year we caught up with Club Captain, Greg Hunter as a feature in our programme. Take a look at why he joined wakefield, his favourite thing about wakefield and where he sees himself in 5 years time!

Why did you join Wakefield A.F.C?

Because I think it’s a great opportunity to develop. When the manager got in touch with me to come down I was kind of relieved because the previous seasons I’d fallen out of football a bit, but I saw this as a great chance to develop and get back in to it and I’m really happy I have!
The club’s got a lot of potential and, as a young team, I think we can go very far and push on to have a really good season!

How does Wakefield A.F.C compare with other clubs you have been at?

It’s very different. Coming from playing for Hemsworth and Ossett Albion, they were mainly teams which trusted with experienced heads so it was quite rare that young lads got a look in. Comparing that to here, I think I’m one of the five oldest lads at 22, I think it’s class that they’re building for the future and putting trust in players like myself, and the facilities this season speak for themselves! It’s a very exciting time for everyone involved and I’m thankful for the opportunity.

What is it like playing under ex-professional footballers?

It’s great to be honest. I think it gives all the players someone to look up to, it’s very rare at this level in football to have this opportunity to be coached by highly qualified coaches and ex pros; we’ve already seen in training the style of play and intensity we are expected to play at.

How do you prepare for a game? Do you have pre-game rituals?

I’ve seen a lot of lads have superstitions but as long as there’s some good music on in the changing room I think that gets me up for the game itself! I like to get there early and get in and around the lads and have a bit of a laugh before the game but, as soon as we go out for the warm up, we get our heads switched on and leave all the banter until after the game!

Who is the loudest out of the group?

There’s a few to be honest, but if we’re going with one I’d probably say big Gerv aka Hulk! He loves the banter side of things but we all have a good laugh in general.

What is your favourite thing about Wakefield?

I quite like doing the Westgate run with all my mates and girlfriend, we usually have a good laugh. I took all the football lads there who came out the other week and introduced them to it and they all enjoyed it. I think anyway! It was just a shame I couldn’t get on karaoke!

Who is your footballing idol and why?

I’d probably have to say Steven Gerrard if I’m honest. It’s only the past couple of seasons I’ve dropped back to centre back but from my days playing as a central midfielder I’d have to say Gerrard. The guy was a joke, England’s best central midfielder by a mile and what he did for Liverpool time in time out by stepping up when they needed him was massive.

Which football team do you support and why?

I’ve grown up all my life as a Barnsley fan. When I was in their academy from a young age we used to get free tickets to the home games, so every Saturday my mum, dad, and I would all go watch Barnsley and I guess I stuck with it ever since! We were season ticket holders for near enough ten years, until I started playing football on Saturdays myself, so it’s hard to get to games nowadays.

What are you hobbies outside of football?

Outside of football, I like to watch a lot of football! I like to socialise a lot whether it’s going for a beer or a meal somewhere. I also got quite into cycling to keep myself busy during the lockdown, but yeah anything football or social related and I’ll be the first one there!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Hopefully a couple of leagues higher than we are now! I think we’ve got a good young and exciting squad and set of managers that are all hungry to progress, and hopefully that’s something we can all do together.

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