A Message From Chris Turner

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all are safe and well. What a desperate period of time we are in at the moment; never in all of my time has anything like this ever been seen before.

I would like to thank the players, staff and our supporters for their efforts over the past eight or nine months, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster first season. On the field of play there were some excellent and exciting times with some great victories which I will live with because, as it’s been our first year, you never forget.

For our supporters it’s been a frustrating time at times. After a great start we then hit a difficult period just before and after Xmas where we not only lose, but we couldn’t even score a goal. Happily we overcame this period with a run of wins just before the curtailed finish, I would like to thank the supporters for their support and encouragement towards the players.

Finally the staff and players have been a pleasure to work with. Having spent all of my career in the professional game, this was my first time working with players who have not been signed professional players, without doubt at times my patience was tested but I have to say I take great pleasure in seeing how well the players as individuals and as a team have improved over the past nine months

The staff of FBT, Darli, and Mikal have given me tremendous support this season and I thank them all, without their help we could not have got where we eventually got to which was two competitive teams in both leagues.

What’s the future hold? Who knows? This virus is hurting all of the sporting world so us as a young club only just beginning it’s even harder, plans for the future were in place regarding playing out of the same stadium as Wakefield Trinity, recruitment for players was well under review and which level of football to play in next year was also well under way but all has gone on hold for now, we will keep everyone informed of when we will start up again, the project has started and our aim is to continue towards our goal.
Once again thank you for your work, efforts and support.

I would also like to put on record thanking Steve for his excellent work this past season with the Reserves. He has had a very difficult job to do on a Saturday, especially some weeks in the early days not having a full component of players, but he showed great professionalism and he has done a fine job in getting the Central Midlands League team into a respectable position
Well done and thank you Steve


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